FBI女探员奥莉维亚•德纳姆(Anna Torv 安娜•特弗 饰)精明干练,她刚刚和同事约翰•斯科特(Mark Valley 马克•维利 饰)确立恋爱关系,然而却在某次调查中痛失爱人。奥莉维亚随后被招入专门负责离奇案件的“边缘档案部门”。在此之后,各种匪夷所思事件接连发生,种种迹象表明,这一切似乎与被世人称为“当代爱因斯坦”的沃尔特•贝肖普博士(John Noble 饰)以及资力雄厚、背景神秘的巨力公司有关。随着调查的深入,事件背后的黑幕和秘密逐渐显露出来……
2021 欧美简介: The past catches up with us all. A brutal murder in Oslo with ties to 19th century England raises the question: Could Jack the Ripper have timeigrated to the present? Lars (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and Alfhildr (Krista Kosonen) soon realize that if they are to capture this killer, they can only trust each other. Beforeigners season 2 premieres December 5 on HBO Max.
8.0 神话任务第四季