FBI女探员奥莉维亚•德纳姆(Anna Torv 安娜•特弗 饰)精明干练,她刚刚和同事约翰•斯科特(Mark Valley 马克•维利 饰)确立恋爱关系,然而却在某次调查中痛失爱人。奥莉维亚随后被招入专门负责离奇案件的“边缘档案部门”。在此之后,各种匪夷所思事件接连发生,种种迹象表明,这一切似乎与被世人称为“当代爱因斯坦”的沃尔特•贝肖普博士(John Noble 饰)以及资力雄厚、背景神秘的巨力公司有关。随着调查的深入,事件背后的黑幕和秘密逐渐显露出来……
3.0 警探维斯廷第四季
2024 欧美简介: The new season returns to Larvik on a seemingly idyllic summer evening at the Greenwood family. But the following morning, a hotel employee is found murdered, and a six-year-old British boy, Clifford Greenwood, has disappeared without a trace. The family receives a ransom demand and cryptic messages from the kidnapper, and when family secrets are revealed, Wisting suspects that there may be a personal motive behind the disappearance. There is also enormous international pressure on Wisting and the team to solve the murder and find the boy before it is too late. -
6.0 失忆医生
1.0 菜鸟老警第七季
4.0 匿名爱情互助会
4.0 爱你的基蒂第二季
2.0 人生切割术第二季