故事聚焦惹人爱的废柴风筝人,他和新女友金色滑翔者兼职充当罪犯,以支持他们愚蠢的购买项目——哥谭最乌烟瘴气的廉价酒吧Noonan’s。在Lex Luthor的“末日军团”阴影下开一家酒吧,让风筝人和金色滑翔者的关系进入到了下一个阶段。没有人说过在阿卡姆疯人院之外为最危险的恶棍们提供啤酒会很容易,但有时候你会想去一个人人都知道你名字、人人都知道如何藏尸的地方。
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6.0 星球大战:少年绝地历险记第二季
1.0 外星也难民第五季
2024 欧美动漫简介:A team of four aliens escape their exploding home world only to crash land into a move-in ready home in suburban America. They are evenly split on whether Earth is awful or awesome. Korvo (Justin Roiland) and Yumyulack (Sean Giambrone) only see the pollution, crass consumerism, and human frailty while Terry (Thomas Middleditch) and Jesse (Mary Mack) love humans and all their TV... -
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