普通青年刘十三(彭昱畅 饰),在城市中迷失自我,被外婆(艾丽娅 饰)带回了故乡,一个云边的小镇。童年好友程霜(周也 饰)和外婆陪伴着他,刘十三度过了一段平静的时光。他沿着祖祖辈辈留下的痕迹,认真倾听小镇的呼吸,在伸手能摸到云的小卖部,在高山与大海之间,在院子的桂花树下,逐渐走出往日的迷惘。有些人刻骨铭心,没几年就遗忘。有些人不论生死,都陪在你身旁。
8.0 雨中的情欲
5.0 好东西2024
8.0 痴人之爱 逆转
8.0 酷儿
3.0 封城爱人
2023 爱情简介: Set in Melbourne, Australia during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kristal (Kate Mayhew) is enjoying the last few days of her trip to Australia when she meets Lisette (Stevie McKeon) on a night out in the city. The pair are saying farewell after a one-night stand, when news of Melbourne's border closure reaches them - unable to return to Canada Kristal accepts Lisette's invitation to stay with her during the citywide lock-down. Can these two perfect strangest survive a month together or will their differences drive them apart?