青春肥皂剧《假亦真》描述两个少女不顾一切地想要在就读的高中出名——包括伪造自己的身份。Gregg Sulkin扮演小艺术家Liam,长得好,性格也好,而且还很有爱心,照理说每个女孩都想与他约会——但却没有一个人理解他。Katie Stevens扮演乐观的高二学生Karma,厌倦了一到周末就只能待在家里看电视的生活,决心和死党Amy去参加今年最热门的一次聚会。她能透过Liam的画看到他的内心世界,并对他芳心暗许。但Liam身边的漂亮女孩太多,Karma对自己没有任何信心。Rita Volk扮演Karma的死党Amy,愤世嫉俗,充满悲观主义。她和母亲关系紧张,与刚刚搬到家中居住的继父的女儿Lauren也矛盾重重。Bailey Buntain扮演Lauren chaoji365.com,漂亮,娇生惯养,总感觉自己应该是学校里的校花。她的一些做法实在太出格,...
4.0 温良之心
9.0 浮出水面第二季
2.0 威尔第
2025 欧美简介: Virdee is a new detective series based on AA Dhand’s best-selling crime novels. The series introduces Detective Harry Virdee (Sacha Dhawan), a Bradford cop disowned by his Sikh family for marrying Saima, who is Muslim. Harry struggles with the abandonment, constantly attempting to reunite with his family. With his personal life in chaos, he must hunt down a killer targeting the Asian community. When the murderer kidnaps a local MP’s daughter in Bradford and holds the entire city to ransom, Harry realises that he is going to need the help of his brother-in-law Riaz, a drugs kingpin who runs the largest cartel in the county. Pulled together in an alliance that could ruin them both, Harry must make a choice: save himself and his family or save his city. He will not be able to do both. -
6.0 白莲花度假村第三季
2.0 海军罪案调查处:悉尼第二季
3.0 黄蜂第三季