Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels confused and out of place in his daily life. He decides to end his acting career and soon winds up in a nursing home. In this new place, the elderly man misses his late wife. He starts having nightmares that seem to become real. In one of them, he discovers a passage into a magical world deceptively similar to his theatre. Lucjan starts living in two parallel dimensions – real life and the fairy tale – that become increasingly dependent on each other and intertwined. His immersion in the imaginary world leads to an unexpected ending. A bittersweet treatise on passing. The fairy-tale world Lucjan creates is not so much a metaphor for death as a symbolic reconciliation to its coming.
2025 恐怖简介: 布雷克(克里斯托弗·阿波特 Christopher Abbott 饰)是一名住在旧金山的丈夫和父亲。当他自己的父亲失踪并被判定死亡之后,他继承了他位于俄勒冈州乡下偏远地区的童年老家。当他和他事业有成的女强人妻子夏莉特(朱莉娅·加纳 Julia Garner 饰)的婚姻逐渐走向破裂,布雷克就说服夏莉特带着他们年幼的女儿金洁(玛蒂尔达·弗 思 Matilda Firth 饰)一起离开城市,前往他的童年老家度假。 但是当这一家人在深夜来到这座农舍时,他们突然遭到一只看不见的怪兽攻击,为了逃离危险,他们就躲进农舍里面,并且将所有入口封住,而那只怪兽则在外面徘徊。当他们惊惧地试图度过漫漫长夜时,布雷克却开始出现奇怪的举动,而且逐渐变成一种不知名的怪物,于是夏莉特就被迫必须决定:到底是屋内的恐怖更致命,还是外面的危险更可怕?
1.0 移植
2.0 草迷宫恐怖杀人事件
2.0 夜母
8.0 孤海沙堡