当神秘专线响起,负责接听的你,愿意付出多少代价完成任务? 该剧改编自马修·奎克的同名小说,第一季结尾,FBI基层探员彼得·苏德兰(加布里埃尔·巴索 Gabriel Basso 饰)因拯救总统而立下大功。本季中,他将正式成为暗夜行动的一分子,然而,加入这个绝密组织,也意味着投身危机四伏、尔虞我诈的世界。
2021 欧美简介: The past catches up with us all. A brutal murder in Oslo with ties to 19th century England raises the question: Could Jack the Ripper have timeigrated to the present? Lars (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and Alfhildr (Krista Kosonen) soon realize that if they are to capture this killer, they can only trust each other. Beforeigners season 2 premieres December 5 on HBO Max.
8.0 神话任务第四季