

已完结 / / 剧情片 /其它 / 2024


  Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies.


  • 我的男友是性工作者
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    简介:  This romantic dramedy highlights the relationship between Ace, the influential Mendoza family's perfect son, and Gio, a gay porn content creator and sex worker. While they see themselves an ideal match, the uptight Mendoza matriarch Angelica doesn't seem to think so.
  • 海洋才是真正的大陆
    2023 剧情
    简介:  一对即将分离的情侣彼此取暖;一位老妇人沉浸在过往爱情岁月;一对玩伴畅想移民美国,成为职业棒球球员。在古巴内陆城市圣安东尼奥德洛斯巴尼奥斯,时间似乎停滞不前,三组人物构成的情感世界在这里流动、展开。意大利导演托马索·桑坦博吉奥在这部影片中倾诉自己对古巴社会中的爱情和离别的思考。影片中三组人物不仅是导演对过去(老妇人)、现在(恋人)、将来(玩伴)的真诚思考,同时也是他对古巴社会图景的再现。导演用海浪的声音凸显陆地与海洋的关系,并使用黑白影像来颠覆人们对五彩斑斓的古巴的认知。影片入围第80届威尼斯电影节“威尼斯日”平行单元。
  • 世界尽头三公里
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    简介:  多瑙河的尽头有座村庄风景如画,那里的时间仿佛早已静止,民情风尚也停留在古早时光。十七岁的阿迪返乡过暑假,岂料一起暴力事件令他青春正茂的世界一夜崩塌。一场袭击,各自表述,父母、警察、债主、牧师相继介入,各怀鬼胎的威权们一边喊着哈雷路亚,一边忙不迭地将阿迪捆绑上枷。头破血流哪算什么伤,以爱之名的灵魂扼杀才是终生刺骨的疤。
  • 寄了一整个春天
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    简介:  女高中生许澄天生口吃,不善言语,但揣着一颗渴爱的心。人前是连老师都不会怀疑半分的乖学生,关上房门,却藏着一个不可告人的秘密。她与好友Rachel偷偷在网上经营二手内裤生意,以禁忌的体验,求索「正常人」的爱恋,却一不小心与教授买家深陷情网,也在步步执迷中,献祭了友情。而唯一知晓她心事的,竟是那个看似游戏人间的快递男,窥尽了客户包裹里的大小秘密。两个孤独茫然的心,在不知不觉中彼此疗愈。随着网上的不堪交易暴露在阳光下,那些在寻爱路上曾经错失的真心,又是否还有挽回的余地?
  • 小心肝儿
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    简介:  一位有权势的CEO(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和比她年轻得多的实习生(哈里斯·迪金森 Harris Dickinson 饰)开始了一段不正当的关系,将她的事业与家庭置于危险之中。
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    简介:  Anna, in her late twenties, feels like her life is slipping through her fingers. A ticket to a prestigious music school in Paris might be the perfect last chance to pursue her dream career in piano. Success no longer seems so elusive unless her manipulative, self-destructive alcoholic father stands in her way.


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